So like today has been a normal day. Woke up, walked the dog. Went out and payed the £150 into my bank accounts. Most of it has disappeared now though as I brought a load of xmas presents for family so that lasted long... It makes you realise the value of money and that £150 ain't really that much, £10 here, £20 there and it goes just like that, disappears lol. Anyways haven't done a great deal today just cleaned my dads car out while listening to the Audioslave album that Deejay let me borrow, I had it blasting out the car so loud when our postman come up the driveway he was like WTF? and gave me a funny look lol. Deejays Jackie Chan dvd come today "Fists of Anger" I am sure he'll let me borrow it after he has watched it and I have give him back the others I am borrowing. Other than that just tidyed the house up, put on some washing and watched this new anime that marshall gave me. Its called Black Lagoon and its really good and interesting. I like it so much that I made a new Sig of it for the Center

Also I thought I would make myself more active on the Center. I used to be a regular poster on the center and the vertex but for some reason I just stopped? Don't know why but I am putting that right now anyways. Now I think I might go and watch Police story.
Like 2days til my 18th woot!
hey man, ill pick up my DVD this friday, speak soon! :)
See Black Lagoon is awesome although its now been 2 weeks since an episode has been realeased. :(
Heroes has occupied me though so its all good.
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