Tuesday, 21 November 2006


So today I woke up to the moaning of my dog and my dad! Both of them wanting me out of bed....Gay

After I had walked the dog and got some bits from the shop. I started playing some more of Tony Hawk Project 8 again. Its a really addictive game makes me wanna start skating again lol..

Anyways, me and deejay went up the city today, he was moaning because of the cold which was funny to me as I had my big coat on. I got my Mario shirt while I was up there as Video Games Live is on the weekend and I have to look the part! Then we went to see the new James Bond or James Blonde and Deejay keeps saying. The film was enjoyable, it was funny when they was playing Poker as Deejay was like "WTF? I don't understand all these hands."
It did long out towards the end but maybe that was because I was dying to go for a piss. But all in all it was a good film. Once it had finished I went home as did Deejay.

Also tonight is the 1st time I have done coursework in like a Year, it reminded me of school. But thats all done now.

I am going to watch the 1st Episode of Heroes as there has been a big hype about it on the Center and Deejay recommends it so it can't be bad.




Anonymous said...

Yeah Hero's is an awesome show and you must watch it. Think of it as a law. Yeah VGL in four days its gonna be awesome. Time to wack out the old skool themes. :)

DeeJay said...

Hehe, damn that pee was good! LOL

Well done on completing your coursework.