Thursday, 30 November 2006

My Birthday...

Well Today I was born, 18 years ago of course. It started off as a good day. My mother woke me up with an egg and bacon sandwich. Ahh don't you just love mums! Got to college had a pretty good day at college during lunch we all went to the pub down the road and I brought my 1st legal pint! (John Smiths) When back to college and finished my bay. When I got home there was all baloons and banners on the front of the house saying 18. Then onto the presents, I got my TV from my parents, also they brought me a tiger eye necklace and my sister got the matching braclet which is well nice. And my grandad got me a new monitor. As for from other members of the family/friends I have had money, beer and gift cards what else could a guy want aye? lol

After getting cleaned up and dressed we went to Jasmine Cottage for chinese. It was lovely enjoyed it all. My mum brought a birthday cake and gave it to the people without me knowing and I was sitting there and then I heard "Happy Birthday To You!" singing lol. Quite funny.

After we walked my mum and sister home, Me, my dad and grandad walked to the pub got a few rounds in got a bit drunk and walked home.

Got in fell asleep and that was my birthday!


Monday, 27 November 2006


So like today has been a normal day. Woke up, walked the dog. Went out and payed the £150 into my bank accounts. Most of it has disappeared now though as I brought a load of xmas presents for family so that lasted long... It makes you realise the value of money and that £150 ain't really that much, £10 here, £20 there and it goes just like that, disappears lol. Anyways haven't done a great deal today just cleaned my dads car out while listening to the Audioslave album that Deejay let me borrow, I had it blasting out the car so loud when our postman come up the driveway he was like WTF? and gave me a funny look lol. Deejays Jackie Chan dvd come today "Fists of Anger" I am sure he'll let me borrow it after he has watched it and I have give him back the others I am borrowing. Other than that just tidyed the house up, put on some washing and watched this new anime that marshall gave me. Its called Black Lagoon and its really good and interesting. I like it so much that I made a new Sig of it for the Center

Also I thought I would make myself more active on the Center. I used to be a regular poster on the center and the vertex but for some reason I just stopped? Don't know why but I am putting that right now anyways. Now I think I might go and watch Police story.

Like 2days til my 18th woot!


Sunday, 26 November 2006

Ill and Extremely Tired

Well I got in at like 1:15am last night from Video Games Live. I wasn't feeling too good on the train back. I got to bed at about 1.30am and I couldn't sleep properly I kept waking up with stomach pains. When I woke up this morning I knew I couldn't go to work, I am really bunged up and feel rather shitty and really tired. So I called up work to let them know I wouldn't be in. This morning a bloke come around to look at my PSP I had for sale. He was really happy with it and gave me 150 quid for it so I am quite happy with that. For the rest of the day I just caught up on some sleep, played a bit of Smackdown Vs Raw 07. Helped my dad do some stuff and did my blogs!

I also put my old hoody on my dog! He looks well funny.

"Safe Blut" quoted from Rocky the Dog 26.11.06

Peace lol


Saturday, 25 November 2006

OMFG, Video Games Live Day! L33T..

So me Deejay and Vandy woke up from the night before. All very tired but Deejay had to go to work so we decided to all wake up and stuff.

Deejay went off to work and said we'll meet at the train station at about 3pm. I went with Vandy to his house to download and update a load of anime to my External Harddrive, I now have enough to last me a decade lol. Once I had done that, I got a lift back to mine as it was fucking it off down with rain :(

When I got in I decided to just have something to eat and play some Xbox 360 for a while, just so the time would go a bit quicker as Video Games Live was only 3hours away and I needed something to make the time FLY by.

At 3pm we all met up at the train station, got our tickets and was on our way to London. I can't remember how long time trains actually took but it was pretty quick faster than I had thought it would be. We got to Euston, got something to eat, then headed to the Hammersmith and City Line so we could get the underground to just outside of the Apollo. We saw this as we come around the corner.

By now we all where even more excited that we was in the 1st place. We got into the front lobby of the apollo quite early, there wasn't many people in there. By the time the lobby doors opened there was a queue like I had never seen before the lead from inside all the way into where the main road was, it was just huge. Come about 7.00pm they opened the doors. Everyone flooded in to get drink but Me, Vandy, Tom and Deejay just went to find our seats. We had pretty good seats head on with the stage but not really close just midway. Which I thought was perfect.

Deejay and toms seats were futher forwards that ours but they was on the far left side of the stage. But still good seats.

Come 7.30 it started. Heres the Line up I think I got it all and in the right order..

Classical gaming medley. From Pong to Tetris and all around.
Metal Gear Solid
Beyond Good and Evil,
Lara Croft,
Advent Rising,
Final Fantasy 7: One Winged Angel,
Audience participation: Space Invaders
Sonic the Hedgehog,
Martin Leung on the piano playing a Final Fantasy collection, Mario, Martin Leung on the piano playing some Tetris and Mario (with the latter being initially blindfolded...of course)
Audience participation: Frogger
Civilisation 4,
World of Warcraft
Halo, and as a bonus a little Halo 3.

The ones bolded were the ones I enjoyed the most. As a whole everything was Excellent. But they where the ones I enjoyed the most. The Final Fantasy Collection almost made me and Vandy cry it was that good. At the end of the concert they got most of the composers out on the stage to take a bow. Then they had a signing part at the end but the queue was too long and we would have missed our train. But we are definety going to the next one so we probably will try get them next year.

After we left we was all talking about it and how good it was. We got on the underground to euston and then the train home on the train there was a guy who looked like mario which was quite funny! Got a picture but its not great,

The train back was really packed and we got back about 1.10am. It was a really good concert and day out. If anyone is interested there are some Videos on Youtube of parts of the concert.

Good night anyways I am extremely tired


Friday, 24 November 2006

Gaming, booze and wet clothes....

Well today I had college not much to say on that as I didn't really do that much just finished my bay off. After college, I walked over to fullers slade to Deejays house. On the way I was followed by some chav but then he disappeared. Got to Deejays hung out watched some WWE which I hadn't seen in ages. The his mum made some dinner, and for the record Deejays mum makes like one of the best Spag Bols I have ever had. Then about 7.30pm we headed to Wolverton Train station to pick up Deejays dad, the we just popped into Tescos to get some Booze!

We got to mine about 8.15om and straight away got on the 360 and played Tony Hawk Project 8. I think Deejay really liked it, its quite an addictive game as I have said in other posts. We thought we would call up Vandy to ask him if he wanted to come round get a bit drunk and play a bit of Xbox 360. He came around at about 10.00pm. And my dad said as he picked Vandy up we had to go walked the dog, we was cool about this as it wasn't raining that much just spiting. But as we got about half way threw the walk it started throwing it down quite bad. We all got quite wet, mostly Deejay tho, it soaked threw his trousers and trainers XD.

We got in dried off, started playing Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007. It was fun we played several different types of matches but it was a laugh. By about 2.00am we was all pretty tired a most of us quite a bit drunk aswell lol. We decided to call it a night. So we all got into our beds. Had a good chat, did some other things lol.

Bring on Video Games Live


Thursday, 23 November 2006


So not a bad day today, got to college on time and saw 3 accidents on the way but there people in the cars were fine as far as I saw. Got in to college and found out that basically our tutors weren't in because training and other things and that we was most likely going to leave early! Result!

Anyways the bad thing was I was really up for doing some work, so I finished feeding my cold water to the taps and to the other people in the bay next door. We broke for break and came back then we was informed we would be leaving at 12.00pm, everyone was pretty happy at this point, so we did fuck all till 12pm then all went home. On the way out of kiln farm, Ed one of the guys in my class pulled up besides ryans car, started revving the engine, so here it was we had a race on, it was pretty funny as it started in kiln farm and ended near the city center. It was pretty neck and neck until ryan and I got onto the A5 where ryan floored it and we flew passed Ed. It was a good crack tho.

Ryan dropped me off home and when I got in I was confronted by "wtf you doing home!" I just was like college was cancelled, I got an oh ok lol. From about 12.15 til about 4.00 I played Tony Hawks Project 8 its really getting addicting now. Then about 5.00 I went over to maplins with my dad and saw one of them Plasma Domes so I thought I would by one it was only a tenner!

I also brought everyone Pizza tonight, it was really nice one of the new dominos ones!

So yeah a pretty fun day overall, tomorrow should be even better tho aye Deejay!



Wednesday, 22 November 2006


Going back to yesterdays blog and about Heroes Episode 1. I quite liked it I really wanna see the next one to see what happens to Peter!

Anyways, Today...

What a shit day it was. Woke up late for college but luckily they let me off and I can still get my EMA woot! Anywho, I couldn't be arsed to do anywork, I kinda did some more pipe work for the kitchen but I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. After 1st break I went and sat in the library did some editing to my health and safety Coursework before I gave it in. Then we had lunch, again did nothing bored out of my skull! After lunch no-one did anywork and just played about with blow torches and other tools in the workshop.

The evening hasn't been to great either. Just downloaded some songs for my mum and had dinner.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Still Bored...


Tuesday, 21 November 2006


So today I woke up to the moaning of my dog and my dad! Both of them wanting me out of bed....Gay

After I had walked the dog and got some bits from the shop. I started playing some more of Tony Hawk Project 8 again. Its a really addictive game makes me wanna start skating again lol..

Anyways, me and deejay went up the city today, he was moaning because of the cold which was funny to me as I had my big coat on. I got my Mario shirt while I was up there as Video Games Live is on the weekend and I have to look the part! Then we went to see the new James Bond or James Blonde and Deejay keeps saying. The film was enjoyable, it was funny when they was playing Poker as Deejay was like "WTF? I don't understand all these hands."
It did long out towards the end but maybe that was because I was dying to go for a piss. But all in all it was a good film. Once it had finished I went home as did Deejay.

Also tonight is the 1st time I have done coursework in like a Year, it reminded me of school. But thats all done now.

I am going to watch the 1st Episode of Heroes as there has been a big hype about it on the Center and Deejay recommends it so it can't be bad.

